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The SRA regulates the conduct of solicitors and law firms to protect consumers and support the rule of law and the administration of justice. They are part of the Law Society, the professional body for solicitors, but have full operational independence. As part of this Handley Law are required to ascertain and provide diversity data.

Within the context of the SRA Corporate Strategy, the objectives for equality, diversity and inclusion are to:

  • develop a more diverse workforce and promote an inclusive culture, equality of opportunity for all staff and the behaviours and capabilities required to regulate proportionately, fairly and free from bias;
  • ensure that the way we operate, our rules and the decisions we make are proportionate, fair and free from bias and help firms and individuals understand and comply with our requirements; and
  • work with those we regulate to support them in achieving a more diverse and inclusive profession.

The staff at Handley Law undertook an anonymous questionnaire and the data is presented here.

Diversity Data on supervision


Data on age

Current Age in years.

Data on gender


Data on disability

Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act?

Data on ethnicity

Data on religion

What is your religion or belief?

Data on sexual orientation

What is your sexual orientation?

Data on schooling

Did you mainly attend a state or fee paying school between the ages of 11-18?

Data on university

If you went to University, were you part of the first generation of your family to do so?

Data on carers

Are you a primary carer for a child or children under 18?
Do you look after or give any help or support to family members , friends, neighbours or others?


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