Have you had cosmetic surgery that you are not happy with? Are you not happy with the outcome of surgery? Are you seeking Cosmetic Surgery Compensation?
Cosmetic surgery is big business. There are many good surgeons and clinics. There are many bad ones too. Often people offer services that they are not qualified to provide.
When errors are made the results are often serious, stressful and reduce significantly your quality of life. We understand that if you have suffered from some form of surgical error or negligence, you’ll be going through an emotional time, be worried and stressed.
Whatever your circumstances, you want to find out exactly what happened and why and if anything can be done to assist. Our team can help you recover cosmetic surgey compensation. Watch our video to see how we can help:
Whether male or female there is an extensive list of surgical and non-surgical procedures available. Whatever your situation (even if not listed below) please call us to discuss your concerns
Lauren had always dreamed of having larger breasts so she paid almost £4,000 for a breast implant operation to increase her A-cup size breasts to DD. Two months after surgery, her body started to reject one of the implants and eventually the implant protrudedg from her chest and came through the skin.
What we guarantee:
Don’t delay, speak to someone today 0845 676 9228 Or email Dr Victoria Handley in confidence vhandley@handleylaw.co.uk
You have been through enough. Let us help you.