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Filshie Clip Injury Claim

Filshie Clip Injury Claim

Filshie clips are used in sterilisation. They ‘clip’ the fallopian tube blocking a woman’s fallopian tubes so she cannot get pregnant. Problems can occur and the inventors own long-term studies have estimated clip migration could occur in 25 percent of women leading to a Filshie Clip Injury Claim

Filshie Clips can often migrate and cause chronic abdominal pain and hernias. Many women report heavier and sometimes painful periods after having tubal ligation with Filshie clips. The number of women reporting heavy periods increased from nine percent before surgery to 35 percent after surgery.

Patients subsequently experience symptoms or extrusion of the clip from anatomical sites such as the anus, vagina, urethra, or abdominal wall. Migrated clips may present as chronic groin sinus, perianal sepsis, or chronic abdominal pain. They can migrate throughout the body.

These symptoms can occur as early as 6 weeks or as late as 21 years after sterilisation.

Many women with allergies to titanium find that the silicone-lined titanium clamps cause an adverse reaction.

Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome

Some women who undergo tubal ligation report some of the following symptoms:

  • Menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats
  • pain during intercourse,
  • aching lower back,
  • premenstrual tension syndrome,
  • difficulty in menstruating,
  • uterine haemorrhage,
  • absence of menstruation
  • Bouts of rapid heartbeat
  • Irregular periods: shorter and lighter, or heavier and longer
  • Prolapsed of uterus due to rapid decrease in oestrogen levels

The syndrome is caused by blood circulation problems in and around the Fallopian tubes and ovaries, pressure on nerves, and intrapelvic adhesion. Differentiating between this syndrome and endometritis during diagnosis and differentiating between functional haemorrhage due to hormonal abnormality and anatomical haemorrhage due to polyp or tumour is very important.

Since the symptoms of this syndrome are mild, simple symptomatic treatment is sufficient in most cases. In some cases, however, desquamation surgery or reversal of tubal ligation may be necessary. Endoscopic surgery is also available.

Call us today

If you think you may have a Filshie Clip Injury Claim then call us in confidence to discuss your issue. We are happy to talk through what has happened and advise you on a potential claim. Call us for FREE on 0800 470 2009 or email Dr Victoria Handley at


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