Mesh Complications
Mesh Complications stem from TVT or TOT mesh implants for urinary stress incontinence or prolapse. It is important to recognise when you have mesh complications so that you can get the correct help.
Always make your GP aware of your mesh when you present for advice and guidance on the following:
- irregular vaginal bleeding or discharge
- pelvid pain or swelling
- discomfort during intercourse
- recurrent or new bladder of bowel symptoms
- prickling feeling or pain in the vagina
- buttock or leg pain – a searing pain
These symptoms are likely to be mesh related if there was damage to the bladder, nerve, urethra or bowels during the original procedure. Don’t forget that mesh strinks after it is put in and thus pulls the tissues tight. You may need to be physically examined.
What the Doctor is looking for
The doctor will examine you to see if there are mesh complications by looking for :
- tenderness on palpating the mesh, or
- actual exposure into the vagina
- evidence of erosion into the bladder, urethra or bowel or
- a failure of the procedure
- recurrence of prolapse.
You may have recurrent UTI’s or bleeding and painful intercourse.
What should your doctor do
The MHRA should be informed about any adverse incident involving a device, especially if the incident has led or may lead to deterioration in health. This is called the Yellow card scheme.
Mesh complications should be referred to a urogyaecological team in one of the following areas:
- Glasgow
- Newcastle
- Middlesborough
- Manchester
- Wakefield
- Sheffield
- Birmingham
- Leicester
- Norwich
- Cambridge
- Stevenage
- Oxford
- London UCLH
- Imperial London
- London Guys & St Thomas
- Bristol
- Epsom
- Eastbourne
To find your nearest and the details of the centre click here. The short-term and long-term problems that have arisen have caused concern; for some women, these have been serious and life-changing.
Trusts that agree to see women with mesh problems, after SUI or POP surgery, have confirmed that they will comply with the criteria set for discussing all patients at a joint meeting, to help determine best treatment options. The essential requirements are that:
- a designated urologist, gynaecologist, colo-rectal surgeon and pain relief specialist are available; and
- the application by the centre is agreed & approved by the Trust Medical Director.
Each Unit Lead is responsible for submitting data on all patients to a national database, and for reporting adverse incidents to the MHRA . The Clinical Lead will take overall responsibility for the centre hence your care is coordinated. This will be a local arrangement, and each unit can discuss patients with additional staff as appropriate.
If you have a mesh complication and are looking for advice then call us on 0800 470 2009 or email Dr Victoria Handley at
We have an all female team and all cases are dealt with on a ‘no win no fee’ basis and are insured.