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Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation Claim

Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation Claim

Whilst vaginal laser rejuvenation is becoming very popular among women it is easy to see how it can give rise to a Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation Claim.

It is a technique widely marketed in UK clinics as a painless and effective procedure aimed at tightening and giving volume to the entire vaginal canal. It is sold to ladies to treat “Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome”, which is the loss of the optimum structural form of the vagina usually as a result of childbirth or natural ageing.

It is said to tighten the vaginal canal leading to greater sexual satisfaction and a significant improvement in a patient’s quality of life.

It is also claimed that the tightening benefits those with a vaginal prolapse whilst a modified form of the treatment will treat stress incontinence. Sadly these claims are not backed by any evidence and as a result a vaginal laser rejuvenation claim will arise.

What gives rise to a vaginal laser rejuvenation claim?

Genital beautification is big business and a growing market. Cosmetic surgery clinics are unregulated and often uninsured.

  • Little to no side effects or complications are highlighted.
  • Informed consent is inadequate.
  • Complication rates are high.
  • Female genital cosmetic surgery can lead to permanent damage.

All these aspects lead to a Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation Claim.

There is almost a complete lack of scientific literature on these emerging cosmetic treatments, of which little is known in terms of indications, standardization of the technique, complication rates, functional outcomes, and long-term safety. Few papers have been published supporting the claims that laser vaginal rejuvenation benefits women.

Growing Concern

An article by Singh et al. entitled “Laser vaginal rejuvenation: not ready for prime time” highlights the growing concern among gynaecological and urogynecological surgeons that such treatments are unethical and dangerous. They are unsupported by medical evidence. They state that ’tissue damage, adhesions and scarring as result of laser vaginal rejuvenation surgery may potentiate dyspareunia, urogenital pain and vulval/vaginal discomfort’.

In an article in the Independent, Theresa May has said that doctors who carry out ‘designer vagina’ cosmetic surgery could be committing a criminal offence, unless there is a physical or mental health justification.

In a report to Parliament, the then Home Secretary warned that prosecutions could take place – whether the woman had given her consent to the surgery or not – and that courts could be asked to rule whether “purely cosmetic surgery” falls into the same category of crime as female genital mutilation (FGM). At present the World Health Organisation Classification of FGM Type IV states ‘All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, for example: pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterization’.

Dr Victoria Handley, Director of Handley Law’s Solicitors for Women brand stated

“Female genital cosmetic surgery raises concerns due to the lack of medical evidence supporting the benefits and complications. Often clinics will persuade women that vaginal laser rejuvenation will cure so many problems yet this is unfounded. The treatment is not cheap and can leave ladies suffering with permanent side effects and disfigurement. If you are thinking of having such cosmetic surgery then speak with your doctor about the proposed treatment and complications BEFORE you speak with a cosmetic surgery clinic”.

If you have undertaken female genital cosmetic surgery and are suffering as a result, it costs nothing to find out if you have a Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation Claim by calling us on 0800 470 2009 and speaking to Dr Handley or one of our female team. Alternatively email


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